Inspiring transformation
For the last 10 years, Founder family has been identifying passionate top-notch experts aligned with our core values : sharing, multiculturalism, respect, excellence and transmission.
- Acculturation
- Planification
- Co-design
- Strat Camp & War room
- Concept design
Reinforcing capacities
Founder Family creates its own custom trainings covering different skillsets to reinforce the trainees' abilities, to help them with their integration into the job market and to improve their professional mobility all of these to obtain a fulfilling job or to create their own job.
- Workshops
- Learning events
- Hackathons
- Challenges
- eSports
- Accelerate
Maximising impact
Our changemakers collaborate closely with their ecosystem through spaces locally recognised for their actions in favor of their territory's sustainable development. All their actions are conducted within inclusive growth in mind.
- Community building
- Growth Hacking
- Video recording & Streaming
- Creative Economy Network
- Consulting
Fostering cooperation
Founder Family promotes from "day 1", north-south and south-south relationships of equality and reciprocity amongst cultures, businesses and individuals. Composed of 20+ nationalities, we are multicultural in essence.
- Regional partnerships
- Road shows
- Conferences
- Learning expedition
- Soft landing
- Mapping of actors